Reflections of the videos

In one of the videos it was mentioned that new generation share everything online and they don’t even know what information privacy means. Back in elementary school we wrote letters and look informations from books. Zero evidence left what has been searched or written.. same things today is all in online and I’m leaving mark to everything. That is scary and most of us haven’t even though about that. Every data I leave, its collected and for example I’m having advertisement based on that. 

People born before internet and smartphones had to learn how to use all new equipments as those were developing. Younger people have born in time internet and smartphones are as normal thing as riding a bicycle. Or is that normal skill anymore? This makes the behavior also very different. I liked the example of an apple pie. This is exactly what’s happening. First you have only one option and everyone will choose that. Later when more options are coming in, the variety creates more possibilities to choose and act. Digitalization is moving so fast, that some of us still wants to stick with the old traditional apple pie while others have already started to find they new favourite flavors.  


Today I’m working in the bank and data analyzing is one of the key elements in my daily work. GDPR is part of every organization and every employee. Different trainings are available and quite often new compulsory training is established. These trainings sometimes (at least for me) feels to be waste of time, but no, they’re not. Here it is import to understand, that people have different back grounds and knowledge towards technology and digi ocean. Companies must make sure, all its employees are able to have basic information. 

My digital life

Digitalization has already changed banking industry and really good example of that is mobile app. No need to go physically to the bank, not even call anymore. If customer need help they can talk with Chat robot or chat with real advisor. In general this means that some work positions won’t exist anymore and change has created a new positions. In the future AI could help us to find even easier way to ask help. No need to write to the chat, we could just talk and AI would pick up our words. Reply could then be written text, spoken information but also guided videos for example how to apply a new credit card.

Self evaluating

I tried ChatGPT for the first time and my mind blow up! I asked how we may use AI if the information is confidential and includes customers data. The answer was diverse and comprehensive. After the answer it even remind me ”it also comes with significant responsibilities to ensure data security and privacy”.

AI is hot topic no matter were you go. It offers unlimited possibilities but it’s also scary to many of us. To be honest, I’m not expert in this topic, quite novice I would say. Here I need to take huge step during next 10 months. Learn, investigate and take action with new tool. AI is definitely the future and I want to be part of that. 

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